When you are using Mograph Cloner in Cinema 4D, sometimes some objects may take an unwanted position or scale. So to change this or these objects specifically, we have a quick trick.
I will give a small example so you can use it as in your way.
Firstly just create a box and apply a Mograph Cloner on it.
Now add a Random Effector on this Cloner.
Now enter 300 for position as example. Your all boxes will re position.
Now choose Mograph Selection in Mograph menu. And choose the object that you want to exclude the effector.
After you chose the object, add Random effector again. You will see that only the object that you selected will be affected.
Now as a trick if you enter “-300” to its position (opposite of general cloner values), the object will back to old position and will be excluded by the effector.
I hope you like this trick, don’t forget to give a hi to comments.
Stay in FXFX Guys! 🙂