“Meet Meline tells the story of a little girl whose curiosity is sparked by a mysterious creature as she plays in her grandparents’ barn.”
“Meet Meline” is a 3D animated short film created independently and without any budget by Virginie Goyons and Sebastien Laban (Sound Design: Cedric Denooz, Music: Guillaume Roussel).
THE MAKING OF MEET MELINE : vimeo.com/7708580
This is a 12-MINUTES MAKING OF with behind-the-scenes footage, shot breakdowns, exclusive interviews, talks about the story, the characters and the environments, and much more: the Art of making a short-film!
More information on the official website: meetmeline.com
Sebastien Laban – Director and Photographer
MEET MELINE : THE 3D ANIMATED SHORT FILM (by Sebastien Laban & Virginie Goyons) from Sebastien LABAN on Vimeo.