Using depth of field future can add your scene more effective looking. Besides, it can you disgust with long render times.
Now we will learn pretty way to use dof (depth of field) in our projects.
I am going to explain it in a test scene,
(I made it with Vray but you can use “Default scanline”, “mentalray” or the other render engines as you wish. All of them have [Z-depth] selection in [Render Elements])
Firstly, create a scene with a box, a cone and a torus and make sure they have a distance between them.
In the render settings (F10), select [Render Elements] tab, make sure “Elements Active” and “Display Elements” is checked.
Now click [Add …] and select [VRay_ZDepth], press OK.
Press Render button and you will see two window, one is your normal render the other is Z-depth render.
Save the both images.
Run After Effects and import 2 images and put them in a composition.
Close visibility eye of Z-depth image layer, add [Compound Blur] to normal render image.
Select z-depth image layer as “Blur Layer”
Set “Maximum Blur” between 0-3
Check “Invert Blur”
Now you should notice that objects are getting blurred as going to back.
That’s all folks,
Keep in Fx,
Caner Atas
how to control the area of focus?
Trin: You use a lens-blur effect instead. More options.
The purhecass I make are entirely based on these articles.