Text to smoke morph effect in Maya

We published “how to morph a text into a dust effect” in one of our previous posts. In this post, we will see a diffrent way to create smoke from a text with using 2D Fluid Container.

Let’s start!

First of all, open Photoshop and create an image 500×500 px,

Fill its background to “Black” color and write a text on it with “White” color,

Save this image as a 24-bit TGA file.

Now, run Maya, select [Dynamics] in menu set and in the [Fluid Effects] menu, select option box of [Create 2D Container]

Set [X Resolution] to 500 and [Y Resolution] to 500,

[X Size] = 50 and [Y Size] = 50 [Z Size] = 0.250

and press [Apply and Close]

Now, you can see a fluid container in your scene.

Select this fluid container and

in the [Fluid Effects] menu select [Add/Edit Contents] > [Paint Fluids Tool]’s option box

It will be shown [Paint Attributes] in right panel

Expand the [Attribute Maps] section and expand [Import]

Press [Import] button and select your saved black & white text image

You should see your text in your fluid container now

Increase your timeline to 500

and play your animation,

Your text should turn into smoke (dont forget to look in [Smooth Shade All] shading mode to see the results better,

That’s all folks,

Keep in fxfxORG,

Caner ATAS

About Caneration

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  1. thanks mate, thats amazin

  2. Chen xiaoxiao

    Great tutorial. Though I had learned the maya fliud. But if I do not see your turorial today, I will never remember the import attribute map function. Thank you!

  3. IT`good

  4. Krisna Respati

    Whoow.. Cool..

  5. madi_clutcher

    pls submit for creating a smoke in a 3d container…..

  6. Well yes, it works. but: how do i get such a result as shown in the picrure above?

  7. awesome, I need more VFX related tutorials. Keep iT uP

  8. Like John said: How to get the effect as shown in the image?

  9. Hello John and lofo,

    You can get effect as shown in the image by mixing your smoked type with some smoke footages. And don’t forget to make color correction on it.

    Stay on Fxfx,


  10. Ktothaizzeye

    I am on a journey and you are paving the way for me. I am eternally grate for the tutorials AND the way you teach them. I am coming from a school where young cats because they know a thing feel empowered to drop the **F** bomb at will and tell you you are going to fail before they teach. So Thank YOU youre the best!


  11. Thank you Ktothaizzeye, getting theese type of feedbacks from people makes me feel really good, and I will always share the tips which I think that is useful.

    Stay in Fxfx friend,


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